Hello everyone!
Did you know that there are now ten OAG characters, and 40 individual books? Have you read them all?
We’ve been working hard at OAG HQ, finishing off Daisy's and Pearlie's stories. Book 4 of Daisy and Pearlie will be in the shops (and available through the Penguin website) in October. Here's a sneak peak at the covers:

And we have a new OAG coming soon in February 2015! Her name is Marly, and her stories are written by Alice Pung. Here's a picture of Marly - look out for her next year.

And there's another special treat on the way. Did you see the beautiful hardback four-stories-in-one special edition of the Grace books? We published it for Christmas last year, and this year we will have another hardback compilation, this time of the four Alice books. It will have a bonus chapter at the end and the same cute clasp at the front. We love the OAG hardback editions and judging by how many people bought the Grace one, it looks like you love them too! It will be in the shops in November - just in time for Christmas. Here's a sneak peak of The Alice Stories.

But wait! That's not all. We have so much good stuff to share with you. By popular demand, we have now published the first books in our new Do You Dare? series, which is a companion boys' series to OAG. So if you have a brother, he might like to read one! They're great stories. And really, there's no reason why girls can't read Do You Dare? so you might like to try one yourself. This is what they look like:

And lastly, a note for teachers. If you haven't seen it, you might like to read our special OAG Spectacular edition of Off the Shelf. You'll find plenty of inspiring stories and fascinating background to the world of OAG. And if you're interested in learning how the OAG series fits into the National Curriculum, click here. And of course, you can download teachers' notes on all the OAG characters by clicking on Parents and Teachers above.
Happy Reading!